How superstars search YouTube • 7 ideas to help with kids' screen time • You don't have to be normal
- How superstars search YouTube
- 7 ideas to help with kids' screen time
- You don't have to be normal
Nothing, it just waved.
Look, I'm a dad.
It's Father's Day.
No apologies.
Thing 1 - How superstars search YouTube
YouTube is a treasure chest of the world's video information.
Filmot is a magnet you need to find that needle in the haystack of YouTube.

Thing 2 - 7 ideas to help with kids' screen time
Not interested in the generations we're leaving our world to? Skip to Thing 3.
You, a human, are motivated by
- Autonomy
- Competency
- Relatedness
If you don't get them, your mental health suffers.
Last I checked our kids are also humans. So they are motivated by those 3 as well.
Active-duty Marines and incarcerated felons have less than half the restrictions that the average school kid has.

Did you see that? 👀
It was your kid's autonomy flying out the window.
You're unique a.k.a. different from everyone else.
When you compare everything you do to everyone else, there's always someone who does that thing better than you.
That's what school looks like with all the standards, metrics, and "one size fits all" curriculum.

Have fun trying to feel competent.
You become friends with people you have things in common with. You also need to spend time with them.
- Packed schedule
- Extensive curriculum
- Adult-led activities
- Cuts in recess length
- Quiet lunch
When do you socialize? Not in school.
Kids have no choice except to seek all those online. But they can overdo it.
Here's how you can help them
- Discuss the pros and cons of screens together
- Show you understand their struggles
- Acknowledge you face similar challenges
- Address screen time in an autonomy-supported way
- Provide opportunities for real-world fulfillment
- Encourage more creation and less consumption
- Offer a better "yes"
Dive deeper into each in Ana's video 👇
Ana is Chief Evangelist at Synthesis school, so she knows what she's talking about.
Synthesis is scaling the best ideas from Ad Astra, the lab school Synthesis co-founder started with Elon for his and Spacex engineers' kids.
Thing 3 - You don't have to be normal
Trying to be “normal” will give you anxiety if your potential lies in your differences.
- Orange Book
Note to self: allow yourself to be different.
Being yourself unlocks your specific knowledge - things that feel like play to you but look like work to others.
Nothing wrong with being "normal", btw. Just remember you don't need to fit into a box just because it's there - you're not a cat.
Time to hit send but Sandstorm blasting in my headphones makes me not wanna go to sleep. Reply with a playlist recommendation for next week!
Self-control is getting the best out of me so I'm signing off.
Talk to you in a week if I don't see you before that on Twitter.
Cheers, Zvonimir