The Secret to Creative Domination in the Age of AI

Unleash your inner creative beast, stay ahead in the ever-evolving AI landscape, and discover how to break free from what's holding you back to reach your wildest dreams

The Secret to Creative Domination in the Age of AI

This week I got inspired by my notes from Austin Kleon's Show Your Work and Derek Sivers's How To Live.

Don't worry, Thing 2 still covers AI, I've received a bunch of feedback that this is your primary source of AI news and I intend to keep it going.

Thing 1 - Unleash Your Inner Creative Beast

You're not just a creative. You're a goddamn creative monster. A force of nature ready to devour the status quo and put out pure, unadulterated brilliance.

Forget the safe lane, the cozy corner of mediocrity. It's time to build a creative empire so massive, it casts a shadow on the competition. We're talking scenius on steroids.

Here's the blueprint for creative domination:

  • Embrace Your Inner Chaos: Order is overrated. Chaos is where the magic happens. Get messy, get weird, and get ready to blow minds.
  • Share Your Work: Don't hoard your brilliance. Put your work out there, flaws and all. Imperfections are badges of honor.
  • Build a Creative Army: Surround yourself with other monsters. Together, you'll conquer the world (or at least your niche).
  • Level Up: Stagnation is death. Evolve, adapt, and conquer. There's always a bigger fish.
  • Crush Your Demons: Fear is a creativity killer. Channel your inner beast and turn fear into fuel.

Your story isn't just a story. It's a legend in the making. Package it like a blockbuster and watch the world bow down.

Thing 2 - AI of the week

It seems like more and more models appear at the GPT-4 level of intelligence. Sometimes we get an incremental improvement (Claude 3.5) but without leaps forward.

Yet many people who have seen behind the scenes of upcoming LLMs say we haven't reached the top and there's a lot more we'll get from them. Are they too expensive to release? Unsafe? Still training?

  • xAI launched Grok 2
    Another GPT-4 level model. Others are GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5, Llama 3.1
  • Sparkle is a Mac app that uses AI for automatic file organization within your Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders
  • Google announced Gemini Live - new voice chat mode for free-flowing conversations, available to Gemini Advanced subscribers on Android
  • Cosine introduced Genie - the best AI software engineer in the world. They took a different approach than what everyone else is doing and got better results.
    Genie can solve bugs, build features, refactor code, etc either on its own or paired with the user, like working with a colleague, not just a copilot
  • Tavus launched a digital twin project to help developers build rich, real-time video featuring an intelligent digital twin that can see, hear, and speak.

Thing 3 - This Is Why You're Stuck and How to Break Free

The life you’re looking for is on the other side of the life you don’t want to let go of.

- Cory Muscara

You're staring at a locked door. On the other side? Your wildest dreams. A life so rich, so full, it’ll make your current reality feel like a black and white movie.

But here's the kicker: the handle is hot. Scorching. It’s tempting to pull back, to wait for it to cool down. But that door won't open by itself.

You've got something incredible waiting for you. A life that’s not just good, but damn good. But to get there, you've gotta risk the burn.

It’s scary, I know. Change is terrifying. But so is staying stuck. So is waking up in five years wondering what could have been.

You’re tougher than you think. You’ve got the strength to grab that handle, to push through the heat. And on the other side? Freedom. Fulfillment. A life you’ll lose your mind over.

Ready to stop dreaming and start doing?

Cheers, Zvonimir