Practical method for being who you're capable of being ⋆ What happens to your heart when you "break" it ⋆ The sound of a snoring hummingbird
Broken heart syndrome is a real, medical, thing, and here's more about it. How to use named alarms to become the new you?
- What happens to your heart when you "break" it
- Practical method for being who you're capable of being
- The sound of a snoring hummingbird
Come for practical advice, stay for the hummingbird.
Thing 1 - What happens to your heart when you "break" it

If you've gone through a period of intense emotional or physical stress, it can lead to the weakening of your heart's main blood-pumping chamber (the left ventricle).
This is known as a "broken heart syndrome".
It's also called takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress-induced cardiomyopathy.
What does it feel like?
You can probably guess...
- sudden intense chest pain
- shortness of breath
- palpitations
- feeling sick
What can break your heart?
You can probably guess some of these too...
- loss of a loved one
- periods of intense fear or intense stress
- car accidents
- natural disasters
It often resolves within a couple of months with patients' hearts returning to normal. See a doctor anyway if you experience any of the symptoms.
Thing 2 - Practical method for being who you're capable of being

I heard about this (and a few other things I'm trying out) from Ali Abdaal.
Think about 3 aspects of your life you'd like to improve.
Who do you want to become in those aspects?
Set 3 named alarms.
Each to assign a "best self" identity to their segment of the day. They'll remind you to act as the person you want to be.
Instead of "I run therefore I'm a runner" ⇨ "I'm a runner therefore I run".
Become a person who does X.
7:30 ⏰ Gym shark
With gym shark behavior comes a banging body.
12:00 ⏰ World's best communicator
Great communicators listen and know the right thing to say.
18:30 ⏰ Friend of the year
Friends remember your birthday, stay in touch, spend quality time...
That's it, it's that simple.
When the alarm rings, it reminds you to try to embody the persona you want to integrate into your identity.
Thing 3 - The sound of a snoring hummingbird
This has got to be the most adorable thing you'll hear all week.
That's it, that's the thing. Take 40 seconds and listen to a hummingbird sleep.
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Inspired by our snoring friend, time to 😴
Cheers, Zvonimir